I totally forgot about my uterus being backwards until someone mentioned early back pain on this forum.

What I did notice with this pregnancy is that my back HURTS and I couldn't figure out why it is happening so early. I am sure everything will be fine but I know it must be frustrating and scary but you will be fine :). It all depends though, on which type of tilt you have. The reflected sound can be used to diagnose restricted blood flow, blood clots, and fetal health. Even in the late months they could'nt hardly find a heartbeat on the doppler, but they could see it on ultrasound. Updated on MaDoppler ultrasound gives doctors a visual or audible representation of blood movement through veins, arteries and blood vessels with sound waves. With labor, my pain was in my back as well as some of the other ladies on here. Health care providers commonly use these devices to monitor your baby's heartbeat during prenatal exams and. It was quite frustrating but that is how I got many ultrasounds. Doppler ultrasound is a special imaging test showing blood moving through vessels. With my 8 year old they NEVER could hear the heartbeat with a doppler. It is a normal abnomality if that makes any sense. Nobody liked to practice scanning on my uterus because they could'nt get good measurements. I went to school for ultrasound and learned about it. There are different levels of tilted uteruses (spelling?). I also have a tilted uterus.mine is actually retroverted. I meant to write you last night but I fell asleep and forgot lol. Just frustrating when you're this early into being preggo! :) it's not the COMMON way for a uterus to go but that doesn't mean it's bad. She told me about 20% of women have a uterus that tilts backwards, so I think that's all your doc meant. Again, since it's backwards, she is limited with what she can feel since (as I understand) most of it is away from her. My midwife ALSO mentioned the difficulty of feeling the uterus fully, since I was nervous about the fact that she wouldn't be able to get a HB I asked if she was able to feel if the size of the uterus was on track for me being 8 weeks. The midwife said the uterus begins to come forward/upright as it grows so it shouldn't be an issue except at the beginning when apparently some tests won't be possible. I just have to wait a few more weeks until my next appt for them to try to hear/see a HB. Apparently my mother also has a tilted uterus, she had no m/c and 3 healthy children so I'm hoping all will be fine! :) I'm not going to see a specialist because of any of this, since I'm "low risk".

She didn't even attempt to try and find a HB because she said it probably wouldn't be possible right now (I'm guessing this early on the technology relies on the baby being in a forward-tilting uterus which makes it easier to pick up on their recording devices). This is my first, and had never been aware that my uterus was tilted backwards. At my appt this week (8w, 2d) the midwife told me the same thing.